- Task 3.1: Forensic analysis of the lessons learned in the collection, collation, analysis and transfer of data, and national and international communication from recent Icelandic eruptions
- Task 3.2: Identification of appropriate response indicators of the Icelandic volcanoes, with the aim to improve early warning systems and preparedness
- Task 3.3: Improve communication of volcanic risk
- Task 3.4: Consult end-users as to the impact of FUTUREVOLC and any outstanding requirements
A forensic analysis of the lessons learned in the collection, collation, analysis and transfer of data, and national and international communication from recent Icelandic eruptions will generate a report from which we can build future response plans. We will establish generic Best Practice in communications between scientists and Civil Protection and Best Practice in international communications during eruptions generating trans-border hazards. We will help establish and set indicators for a new alert level system for each volcanic system in Iceland which we will test using realistic scenarios during the course of the project. We will establish trans-border eruption scenarios on which to plan response to future events and will contribute these to the demonstration (WP9).
D3.1 - Responses indicators, early warning systems and report on eruptions response
D3.2 - Information for EU-MIC and scenarios for major events
D3.4 - Report on feedback of FUTUREVOLC impact from end-users across Europe